Connected by spirit, love, and now----uncertainty
Worthy of effort still
Unsure of how to make it back
Unclear on how we got here
Once the sweetest thing we’d ever known
Soured by some of the life we’ve lived
Wise enough to cherish us in the midst of it all
Will fight for our love til’ peace be stilled.
Sent to one another like a birthright
Knowing we’re still here is something, even when it feels like there’s nothing left to give
Lately silence has become our favored scripture
Saving us from having more to feel.
A love that serves as both pain point and healing source
Covered in a veil of complexity and will
Clear as the cerulean sky
Still wanting what the other has to give
Yet we tread through the murkiest of waters
Held faintly by grasped fingertips
Giving the last droplets of what we've got
Even when there’s no guarantor on the investment.
For granted neither is taken
Just can't figure out how to make it back from wherever we’ve been
So much love locked deep inside
Too proud to see it’s wedged behind a wall made of dust not steel.
Yearning to be free in our love again
Back when it felt right to talk about any and everything
As a piece of our truth we must know the answers
Are we working to beat the odds or end being at odds? We need a sign from Him.
We’ll know what to do when He tells us
So, we can stop feeling like dandelion seeds pushed by a powerful wind.
Let's work to find our way back or at least somewhere
Not sure we will find this again.
But what if this love was only supposed to fill us up some?
Recommitment, clarity, exploration, different paths; are we mature enough to see them
all as wins?
We must steady ourselves, as neither symbolizes an end.
Marriage is the afterthought of commitment
We must breathe deeply as proof of life in our souls.
Marriage is the afterthought of commitment
Sometimes two halves still don’t equal a whole.