Did you know that the moon never shines at night?
Did you know that what is perceived to be light,
is actually the sun’s left-over rays bouncing off of the metals in the moon making one believe it shines
but it is void of light making capability?
We’re kinda like the sun and the moon babe.
It was not until this moment
In this moment,
I was meant to see that the light perceived to be emitted by your presence is just the left-over light
emitted by me that bounces off you are creating the optical illusion that you emit light from your depths
when, if I walked away, you would be seen for the deep cold dark circle of matter that you really are.
I predictably, daily save some of the best light I have to offer you. Like some sick offering, to bounce off
you so that you will not be exposed for what you are, a dud. I need to work on my codependency and
that’s my shit but what’s yours?
One day, I am going to shine my brightest during day at night, you’re on your own. Why? Because I
should be able to keep some good stuff for me; a reserve, instead of giving it all to you in some
obligatory fashion every day, predictably. You don’t even ask for it, so it’s on me too. You just accept it
and soak it up greedily and you have perfected the handsome costume of deservedly.
It is my sincere prayer that you will figure out how to emit some light on your own before I take mine
with no regrets. Good luck babe.
I used to be your sun your rain your moon your star and your mountain