Mining for gems couldn't have unearthed greater treasure,
who knew these three words had the power to save her?
Brilliant diamonds created under pressure,
blanketed in the love and wisdom they gave her.
Magical as mermaids, yet mystical without follow-through:
like a seed planted in fertile ground, with these three words she grew.
She picked through the words til' fingers bare,
wondering to what she was tethered?
Resolve to finish one’s journey comes from but few places,
deficit or surety that can't be measured.
She who gains alignment feels upright in the world,
tall and erect-- an evenness with the universe’s eye as it should be.
Her freedom a frontier to be discovered
Manifest, to offload life’s regrets and commotion revealing all of her inner beauty.
Her worth canned and preserved
placed meticulously atop life’s shelf.
Looking for worth but really searching for nerve
querying if she can merely calculate her worth herself.
Like a pupil intent on getting the lesson
she was ready to assess her worth’s length, width, and girth.
Passerbys told her how valuable and beautiful she was, but turning her own change into
-- t’was like her rebirth.
She who finds self-love gains more than she expects
Rewarded innumerably for everything that she gave.
A teaspoon of love for others
but a tablespoon for herself is what makes her brave.
Integrous in almost all that she does,
trepidation, change, and emptiness, no longer her Achilles heels.
Her soul and vibration connected
no longer tiptoeing on burning sands just to feel.
As I process, “Integrous in almost all that she does…”
nearly a year after putting pen to paper.
Still more to be worked on with Him,
sometimes we have corners to be dusted later.
No longer wondering how it feels to be free
She can stop Nina’s songs playing on repeat
She knows her spirit is alive
Her habit of wanting that old thing back rendered obsolete
Taking care of others no longer her religion
Taking care of her most precious gems her foremost mission.